Kahnawà:ke’s Economic Development Commission

Kahnawà:ke’s Economic Development Commission

Kahnawà:ke Household Survey 2024

Kahnawà:ke Household Survey 2024

Tewatohnhi’saktha, Kahnawà:ke Economic Development Commission, will be conducting a household survey to gather statistical data on households located in Kahnawà:ke.  This survey is being conducted in collaboration with First Nations Human Resource Development Commission of Quebec (FNHRDCQ) and support of the Mohawk Council of Kahnawà:ke.  There is a great need to update this information as the last Household surveys were conducted in 2016 and 2011.

The updated data will allow Tewatohnhi’saktha to build a current portrait and understanding of Kahnawà:ke’s economy; help us to strategize, plan and develop programs and services to better serve our community members.  The FNHRDCQ is seeking the labour market information from a portion of the survey to better understand the challenges and employment opportunities in our community and to include our data in their overall First Nations Development Strategy.  As always, all information collected is anonymous and strictly confidential.

The survey will consist of various questions regarding the following:

1) Persons in the household including education & employment status;
2) Household income information;
3) Household expenditure information;
4) Family and dwelling information;
5) Community priorities.

The data collection will be community wide and is set to begin July 2nd and end on August 30th, 2024.  The method of collection will be forthcoming, and promotions will follow.

“We encourage all heads of households to complete a survey on behalf of their families, as up-to-date information on Kahnawà:ke’s socio-economic situation is vital to effectively plan for the future” said Tammy Delaronde, Tewatohnhi’saktha Executive Director.