$3.2 Million in Requests for $1 Million ICBF
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: – Kahnawà:ke (Enniskó:wa / March 24, 2021) Tewatohnhi’saktha would like to inform the business community that we have received 145 applications of over $3.2 million in requests for funding through the Indigenous Community Business Fund (Fund designated for Covid relief for businesses), of which $1 million is available. The amount of applications and funding requests assures that all of the dollars will be spent and the injection of $1 million into our local economy will occur quickly.
Tewatohnhi’saktha has previewed each application received through PlanIT Consulting and will begin the approval process tomorrow (Thursday), which will be finalized by next Wednesday, March 31.
All applicants will be informed on March 31 via letter.
Further, given the amount in funding requests ($3.2 million for $1 million) Tewatohnhi’saktha is inviting any business who wish to withdraw their application to please contact Tewatohnhi’saktha to withdraw by Monday, March 29 at 4:00 pm.
Tewatohnhi’saktha would like to say nia:wen ko:wa to all those who applied and to PlanIT Consulting for their hard work and dedication to this project.
“We wish to help as many business as possible and provide as much needed stimulus to the Kahnawà:ke economy, so that our businesses can recover and grow.” said Tammy Delaronde, Director of Business Services.
Click here to access PDF version: $3.2 Million in Requests for $1 Million ICBF March 24-21