Tewatohnhi’saktha administered the “Achieving Concrete Essentials” (ACE) program from August 2017 to March 2021, delivering services to unemployed or underemployed participants. The program’s aims were to enhance participants’ employability and test the impact of various innovative and collaborative solutions. Six cohorts passed through the 26-week ACE program, during which they received on-the-job training and professional mentoring, and launched or maintained an actual business.
The first ACE cohort established Tóta Ma’s Café as a social enterprise in July 2018. Since 2018, the cafe has provided both ACE participants and other Kahnawa’kehró:non youth with provide Kahnawa’kehró:non youth with an opportunity to gain meaningful employment in a hands-on training facility. New skills that have been acquired through working at Tota Ma’s Cafe include leadership, teamwork, communication, costumer service and conflict resolution in a real work setting. At the same time, the café has provided a beverage and light meal service to Kahnawa’kehró:non and visitors from its prime location on the Old Malone Highway in the Village. The name for Tóta Ma’s Café was in honor of the late Rita McComber, a name given to her by grandchildren but was comfortably used by most who knew her. Rita was a beloved community member who valued working day in and out on volunteer projects throughout Kahnawà:ke, an all-around role model to say the least.
In May 2023, Tota Ma’s Café moved into a new location on the Old Malone Highway across from the Knights of Columbus. The staff at Tota Ma’s Café are trained as Baristas, and learn how to make high quality beverages and food items. In this environment, they continue to learn important employability skills, such as customer service, professionalism, punctuality, team-work, conflict resolution and more.
Tota Ma’s Café offers a wide range of products and services. On a daily basis, customers can order coffee, tea, lattes, smoothies, refreshers, muffins, cookies and breakfast sandwiches.
In addition, Tota Ma’s partners with locally small-owned businesses who specialize in food catering. The following businesses are our current list of partners:
Fuel Good Food Facebook Instagram
Josie’s Bakery Facebook Instagram
Robyn’s Treats and Sweets
Sweet Treat Sisters Confectionery Facebook Instagram
Check out our menu below for a full-list of all of our products offered in store!