Tewatohnhi’saktha appoints Electoral Officer
Tewatohnhi’saktha is pleased to announce the appointment of Herb Rice as the Electoral Officer for the 2021 Board of Directors (BOD) Elections. Mr. Rice has previous experience as an Electoral Officer, having run the previous election for Tewatohnhi’saktha.
The elections for 2 seats on the Board of Directors and will take place on Saturday August 21 2021, at the Kahnawà:ke Business Complex (Tewatohnhi’saktha building) from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM. Nominations will be accepted on Saturday July 24, 2021 also at the Business Complex from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM.
All nominees and nominators must be on the Kanien’kehaka Mohawk Registry and must be at least 21 years of age. The nomination will require a nominator and must be seconded by another Kahnawa’kehró:non. The nominee must own a business that is recognized by the Mohawk Council of Kahnawà:ke and have been in business for at least three years prior to their nomination.
Contact: (450) 638-4280
Allison Jacobs
Marketing & Tourism Manager