Kahnawà:ke’s Economic Development Commission

Kahnawà:ke’s Economic Development Commission

Youth Engagement

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Role of Youth Engagement/Workforce Development Counselor

The Youth Engagement Counselor administers Workforce Development and Youth Program measures for Kahnawà:ke students who are undecided and need guidance to choose post-secondary or vocational programs.  The YEC researches, organizes, and administers programs aimed at engaging youth to get them to start thinking about their future employment.  The YEC will collaborate with other community organizations and schools in and outside of Kahnawà:ke to organize, provide support or participate in career exploration activities and events.  The YEC can organize and present career themed workshops, career fairs, employment support and more either in the school or virtually.

As a Student, how can the Youth Engagement/Workforce Development Counselor help me?

As a Kahnawà:ke Student you have access to the Youth Engagement/Workforce Development Counselor to help guide you to your eventual careers.  In collaboration with other high school counselors, the Youth Engagement Counselor will support your interest in vocational programs.  The YEC will administer the Workforce Development counselling process with you and create a funding proposal and present the proposal to the funding committee.

Contact Youth Engagement /Workforce Development Counselor at 450-638-4280