(Kahnawà:ke – Tsothóhrha/December 8, 2020) Tewatohnhi’saktha is pleased to announce sales of Shop Kahnawà:ke Gift Certificates exceeds $20,000 since November 1st. A total of $18,150 in certificates were sold through reception and $2,610 from the Shop Kahnawà:ke Kiosk setup in the lobby on Thursday, December 3, 2020. We surpassed our sales of $20,480 from the...
(Kahnawake, 10, Tsothóhrha/December 2020) Tewatohnhi’saktha and Client Based Services of the Mohawk Council of Kahnawà:ke are pleased to announce a funding collaboration to provide existing clients the opportunity to seek training while continuing to receive benefits from the Kahnawà:ke Emergency Relief Measures (KERM) Fund. Clients who apply for training through Tewatohnhi’saktha will continue to receive...
Kahnawà:ke (Kentenhkó:wa/November 17, 2020) Tewatohnhi’saktha has obtained the services of PlanIt Consulting, to conduct a Survey of the Kahnawà:ke Business Community in an effort to assess the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on businesses, as well as identify other barriers. The resulting data will be analyzed in an effort to better serve our local entrepreneurs...
After an extensive recruitment process, the Tewatohnhi’saktha Board of Directors unanimously approved the selection of Neil McComber to fill the position of Executive Director for Tewatohnhi’saktha. Under the new mandate, the position of Chief Executive Officer (CEO) has changed to Executive Director. Mr. McComber holds a Bachelor of Arts, from Concordia University and has completed...
Kahnawà:ke (July 9, 2020) Kyle Delisle, Tewatohnhi’saktha Chief Executive Officer (CEO), resigned his position on Friday, July 3, 2020. Kyle has worked at Tewatohnhi’saktha for 20 years and started his career as a Business Services Officer in 1997 under the Kahnawake Economic Development Authority (now known as Tewatohnhi’saktha). He was soon pro-moted to Senior Business...
Kahnawà:ke (May 28, 2020) Barbara Taylor McComber, Tewatohnhi’saktha Interim CEO, officially announces her retirement effective September 25, 2020 after 25 years of dedicated service to the community. Barbara’s career in Economic Development began in 1995 as Business Services Officer for the Kahnawà:ke Economic Development Authority offering her expertise with business analysis/finance and evaluation as well...
Kahnawà:ke (April 3, 2020) Tewatohnhi’saktha’s role is to facilitate the processing of business applications for relief funds through the Business Interruption Fund; a fund set aside through the Kahnawà:ke Economic Relief Measures (ERM) Fund. As of today, approximately 120 business owners have registered with Tewatohnhi’saktha. The Business Services Team will be contacting those business owners...
Kahnawà:ke (Monday, March 16, 2020) Beginning today, Tewatohnhi’saktha offices on the 3rd floor of the Business Complex and the Welcome Center will be closed to the general public to help slow the spread of the COVID19 virus. All services remain available remotely and Tewatohnhi’saktha is requesting that all clients and visitors contact Tewatohnhi’saktha by telephone...